The Annual Meeting of the Coventry Homeowners Association will be held November 13, 2019, beginning at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Harrisburg Presbyterian Church located at 4815 NC-49 Harrisburg, NC 28075. The purpose of the meeting is to ratify the 2020 Budget, elect 2 member to the Board of Directors, and transact any business that may properly come before the Association.
In the packet, you will find a nomination form and proxy form. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for election to the Board of Directors, please fill out the form. You may only nominate someone else if you have spoken with him/her and he/she has agreed to serve on the Board if elected. The proxy is to authorize an individual to vote on Association matters at the meeting in your absence. It is important you authorize someone else if you are unable to attend the meeting. The form will serve as your vote and count as your property being represented at the meeting. You may still attend the meeting, reclaim your proxy and vote if your plans change. In the packet, you will also find a copy of your 2020 operating budget. You will note the Association does not anticipate a need for an increase in the general assessment dues for 2020 (single-family only), which will remain at $117.00 per quarter. The assessments for the Berkshire Townhomes will increase to $185.00 per month. This budget shall be deemed ratified unless a majority of all the lot owners in the association rejects the budget. There is no requirement that a quorum is present. Hawthorne Management mails out invoices each calendar month for dues. If you do not receive them, please notify Hawthorne Management at 704-377-0114. You may also pay your dues via Pilera. Please mail or fax the nomination and proxy forms to the Homeowners Association at P.O. Box 11906 Charlotte, NC 28220, or fax it to 704-347-4475 by November 13, 2019. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! Coventry Board of Directors